Nigel started serving as Pastor in Antrim Elim in May 2014. His desire for the town is to see Jesus Christ glorified and His church built up.
He is married to Claire, and enjoys all sports, particularly football, snooker and pool as hobbies.
Nigel Neill
Senior Pastor
Antrim Elim is a church IN the heart of Antrim, with a heart FOR Antrim.
As a church our desire is to display the love of Jesus, and declare the truth of His Word, in the power of His Spirit, to everyone we meet. We believe that following Jesus is the most exciting adventure in this life!
The church is a family - God’s family, and we want our spiritual family to grow and thrive in every way. You will find a warm welcome awaiting you each Sunday morning and evening as we gather to worship God and learn from His Word together. As a family orientated church, each Sunday children’s ministries are provided for little ones. Every Tuesday night we gather together to seek God’s face in dynamic times of prayer and praise.
We are passionate about fellowship in Antrim Elim. The ladies love to get together once a month, as do the men. The church opens its doors every Tuesday morning for anyone in the community to drop in for a chat over free tea, coffee and fresh home made scones. We are here to be the heart and the hands of Jesus in the harvest field where He has called us to serve.
If you would like to visit us, or find out more about us, please feel free to contact us through any of the means provided.
Antrim Elim Pentecostal Church
Parkhall Road,
BT41 1BU
077 45682571

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Main Services
The church always seeks to provide programs for all ages and needs.
Unfortunately we aren't able to list them all here but please make contact via the information provided to find out more