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Paul Evans began in the church in Castlederg July 2013


He is married to Iris and they have two grown up Children.


He enjoys power walking and mountain biking

Paul Evans
Senior Pastor

Castlederg Elim has a long history of being involved in the local community.  Our heart is to see the people in the local area come to know Jesus and live in His love, forgiveness and power.

The vision of this church can be summed up in 3 statements;

  • To win people of all ages to Jesus Christ and to equip them to reach their full potential in Christ.

  • To be a biblically functioning community of believers so that Christ redemptive purposes can be accomplished in the world.

  • To show the love and grace of God through our living, and bring hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


We aim to be a church that caters for the whole family.  If you are interested in connecting with us feel free to contact us via the details below.


Castlederg Elim Pentecostal Church

028 81 670952

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Main Services


The church always seeks to provide programs for all ages and needs.  
Unfortunately we aren't able to list them all here but please make contact via the information provided to find out more
Strabane Road,
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