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There are many words used for moving forward - vision, dreams, strategy, goals. Whatever you want to call it, we are a church that wants to move forward.  To do that, we have some core values and we aim to create a culture that encourages creativity, family and a desire to see Jesus be lifted as high as possible.


Our passion is to be a people who express love to Jesus and express His love to people. We are who we are because of who Jesus is and because He showed His love for us through dying a death that he didn't deserve. One that He did willingly so that we could have a relationship with our Creator and Heavenly Father as well as know forgiveness and hope, among other things.  Our intent is to see people come to know Jesus personally and grow in their understanding of who He is.

The emphasis of this local church is to be:

  • Generational: where, like a family, everyone has a place and a part to play.


  • Contemporary: Seeking to express God effectively in this day and generation, as many of the forefathers of the faith also did, and try to do so through our music, sermon topics, culture, media, events and through many other ways.


  • Pentecostal: The roots of our Movement was a fresh realisation of Holy Spirit. This has often been misrepresented and misunderstood.  The Bible tells how God poured out His Spirit to empower Believers to be witnesses in this world and we believe He still does it today.  


Our motto is simply this, "Loving Jesus, Loving People".  For more details click on the information below.

Cookstown Elim Pentecostal Church

Coagh Road,
BT80 8QG
077 09847984

Find out more...

Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim
Cookstown Elim


Contact us

Main Services

6.30pm (alternative)

The church always seeks to provide programs for all ages and needs.  
Unfortunately we aren't able to list them all here but please make contact via the information provided to find out more
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