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Sara took on the role of editor of Elim Life in June 2013, with the aim of sharing stories and telling the news of all that God is doing in and through our churches in Ireland.

Sara is married with three children and has a heart for people.  She loves stories, and loves that within her role as Editor she gets to hear and re-tell lots of amazing stories of God’s amazing love, His goodness and His grace.

Sara Allen

About the Magazine
Elim Life magazine exists to share the stories and tell the news of all that is happening within our Ireland churches.


We aim to connect, inspire and challenge people with our articles. Covering all areas, ages and stages of church life; the ups, downs, highs and lows and everything else in between! We try to shout out loud and celebrate the many lives being transformed by God, making room to display God’s endless love and faithfulness in every circumstance.


The magazine is produced five times a year by Sara Allen, Ross McBride, Darren McWilliams, Laura Michael and Nigel Elliott. As a team they meet, get ideas and plan each edition together. Collecting and collating material from as many churches as possible. The magazine is made of up news, articles, stories, album and book reviews, features, blogs, and a kids only section. With the aim of appealing to all ages and stages of life in our churches.


As a team we love what we do, we love that we get to serve God through this ministry. Although none of us love deadline day!!


We love to hear from you. Get in touch via our facebook or twitter page or via our contact email address and let us know what God is doing in your life or in your church?

14 Charlestown Avenue,
BT63 5ZF

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Elim Life Team 2015
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Elim Life Magazine

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